SATA Controller IP Core
About productSATA Controller IP Core is ideal for use in a variety of storage application which require high speed data transfer, cost, scalability and features extensibility such as embedded storage system, RAID controller and High speed and large capacity data acquisition system.
SATA Controller IP Core is a link and transport layer realization of the SATA interface. IP Core is intended for XILINX FPGA based system connectivity with any devices by SATA I and SATA II interfaces.
SATA physical layer was realized by Xilinx FPGA RocketIO Gigabit Transceiver primitives.
- Data transfer speed is compliant with SATA 1.5-Gbps, 3.0-Gbps industry specifications;
- Both Host and Device modifications are available;
- Small size (Slice LUT = 1200);
- Synchronous design for easy integration;
- Test application based on Xilinx ML505/506 board for IP Core evaluation.
IP Core is available as either netlist or VHDL source codes. It includes all that requires for easy implementation in the customer projects. Either host or device IP Core configuration are available for licensing.
The delivery includes:
- Synthesized netlist for target FPGA device;
- Test application running on the Xilinx board ML505/506;
- Place@Rout script;
- Detailed specification and implementation guide.
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